Monday 6 October 2014

The art of creating random crap

 The Art of Creating Random Crap

After a few days of experimenting on the two genres between abstract realism and abstract surrealism. It seems logical to go with abstract surrealism, magic realism does work in a abstract form but seems the contrast between the two does not work on the style being produced. However lately I have came up with a idea that can blend very well together with the local steelworks and different industries back in the same location. Which is by creating the "industrial Atlantis". This does represent climate change however to add some humor by having a actual working industry underwater, while still keeping timeline design but changing it round. At the mean time there will be designs coming up next week, when ever I get round to finish them, but at the mean time stay tuned peeps.


 This is some strange idea that came to my head. Where industry is built on a fish. It is not finished yet but just the concept is very strange.
 The design is a mix between industry and  nature too create a abstract surrealism design that looks interesting but very odd design choice.

This is a very ruff sketch of industrial Atlantis, not finished as still planning on the whole design concept, making a few changes and improve on drawing fish, for some reason I am not very good at drawing them.  

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