Tuesday 16 September 2014

Draft work and future

Draft Designs

These are only draft designs made at a short amount of time. They are lacking in essential detail that will add more depth to them but did not have enough time to add the finish touches. There will be more coming up in a few days time that will be very unusual, I normally add a lot more creative thinking to the design, even if it looks horrible it will hopefully look great in the end. I will keep up to date on the development cycle on the next design, what ever it is going to be, stay tuned peeps.

This is small piece of coal that is enlarged and then drawn where I am focus on the cracks and pattens.

This design is of fluff except tried using black ink in a series of dots to create texture. 


The design is a two point perspective of a tree and grass. The way it is designed is the top part is full of colour while below is pitch-dark, that was the original idea but then scraped it. 

The design is another fluff creation again except this time it is lightly shaded with charcoal.

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