Concept idea
So far in artwork wise I am looking into the subject matter of industry. The subject is looking into two timelines of industries in South Wales though a two point perspective, it is focus on a timeline between today and the past. A lot of the research is going to be carried on locations that use to be full of industry but now nature has taken it's place, or destroyed. The art style will take a while to decide, have a tunnel of ideas that could be added, it may join in the theme of illusion art but then destroying the design with objects to create something suitable for the theme. I have been creating additional artwork on the theme of nature, thought very abstract influenced, although they are very badly designed but hey. I will keep up anything new happening on the project. Stay tuned peeps.
This piece originally was design on a large scale painting of tree like design that had a lot of marking with blue ink and then added red ink to make a stream of blood. I taken a lot of photocopies of the design and then made a collage to design a forest.
The painting at first was a complete failure, all I did was throw paint on it without caring what it will look like, until it came as a great piece from just a mistake. The concept was to use a abstract painting style in a creation of life format. Plenty of painting by only using fingers was used cause paintbrush is over-rated.