Thursday 21 May 2015

Development of Human Factory Part 2

Human Factory Part 3

This is the development of the theme so far. The final designs is being created at this moment of time however it will take sometime to complete, there is a total of three creations will be shown. Here is all the designs so far. 

 This is the same as the etching however it is to experiment by only draw with watercolour paint to illustrate the actual texture. I have to quickly rush the design because I was wasting time to get the exact detail that can be achieved with the medium. The positive side with the paint draw side is I can always expand the use of it to either use oil paint or acrylic paint all in one painting. 

The painting is of one of the prints where I applied watercolour paint to work along side with the print. They both worked really well together if only I did not apply any paint on the industrial side of the landscape. 

The random ink drawing is more focus on the mining industry of a  section I drawn when I went down a actual mine in the Big Pit. The purpose the design is to express people huddling together away from cable wire that was the biggest killer at the time.

This is similar to another design I made however I added a three different perspectives to create a post-apocalyptic setting of the surface has turned into a wasteland and humanity has to live underground. It all started out with heavy amounts of charcoal but then a added chalk to blend with the charcoal.
  The outcome of the design when applying with chalk mixed with the charcoal. In my mind the chalk seems to kill the design because I find monochrome add greater detail then adding colour. There is going to be some updates with the final piece, if I get round to it, in the mean time stay tuned. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Development of Human Factory

 Human Factory Part Two

After awhile of developing the designs from the sketches on the other blog post. I started creating designs in different formats that explore the Human Factory the theme of over-population, it may link to over-conception as well. Here is some of the designs have been made for a while

 The etching is of mother-nature has turn into half a normal tree and half a mechanical tree of the changes of a piece of landscape though time. It was a very time consuming design by the amount of textures, patterns and designs have to be hand carved with a nail and compass

Outcome of the etching when printed. The page I have changed by applying small quantity of water to help with the print on watercolour paper. There are other prints however they are really light difficult to see on photographs, even with flash on. 

The next design is a very unusual design on over-conception in a industrial theme. I combine the concept the industrial fish, it is on blog post The art of creating random crap. This time I thought of adding dead fish that have floating islands with a mechanical skull and factories built on top dropping bones into a ocean of bones.There was no exact plan with the design however it was to at the amount of food is consumed in our day lives and express it though imagery. 

Outcome of a very rough charcoal drawing. 

There is other works that are either not complete or they have a mistakes that need to be improved.                           

This concept is slightly left because after this photo was taken the other design was destroyed by adding too much oil pastel. The concept on the other hand is very interesting because it is a memorial to miners, similar to the memorial to solders. It also includes a form of a graveyard as well with left mining equipment that I have seen at the Big Pit.   

 This is the last part of the blog where I was etching on plastic to create images similar to the theme. The problem I have with the prints is the other one has lettering on the wrong side that is saying "Let it shine" however backwards when printed. 

The design is similar to the memorial to miners but this was etched from a newspaper article that was an landscape full of flowers  saying "Let it shine" on the picture. In my mind the picture brought a very eerie feel that I found very interesting to develop into a print. 

 This is the outcome of the prints when printed. There is more to come very soon at the mean time stay tuned.