Human Furniture
When I was producing work around clubs I had a very unusual idea on people and furniture. At first I was thinking of adding furniture to create people, which did not seem interesting. However after drawing out the designs another thought came to me. The story started from. "When a person sits on the same chair. constantly playing pool etc. When the individual passes away, everyone will remember the piece of furniture where the person sat.". From there I developed the theme called "Human Furniture". These are all the designs that were made to create the theme.
Thick layer painting with acrylic paint with a pallet knife, whole design is only drawn with the tool and at times paint brush to fix sections.

And wax rubbing with water colour paint.
Thick layer painting with acrylic paint with a pallet knife, whole design is only drawn with the tool and at times paint brush to fix sections.
Line drawing with only charcoal.
Ink based drawing with wax rubbing, not finished yet.
Up close photo on the contrast between ink and oil pastels.
And wax rubbing with water colour paint.
These are all the large scale work being produced around the theme on human furniture. All these ideas have all been generated in my sketch book to produce different effects. There will be more to come until then stay tuned.